EVIOS Academy
The EVIOS Academy provides you with all the information you need to start installing EVIOS products.
A message from our CEO
The EVIOS Mission
EVIOS One - Our Unique Selling Points
An overview of EVIOS
Test 1: Introduction to EVIOS
EVIOS One modes
How to change your charging mode
Electric Vehicle Regulations 2021
Test 2: EVIOS Charging Modes
What's in the box
Box Contents - Recap
The EVIOS One External Features
Overview of the EVIOS One charge point
Inside the EVIOS One
EVIOS One Product Options
Test 3: The EVIOS One
EVIOS Installation
Ready for installation
Positioning of the charge point
Household Checks
Cable Routing
Mounting the EVIOS One
Supply Cable
RCD Protection
Closing up the EVIOS One
Test 4: Installation
Installation Summary
Connecting the hub
Hub LEDs
Test 5: The EVIOS Hub
Introduction to CT Clamps
Where and how to fit CT clamps
Installing CT Clamps for Solar
Test 6: CT Clamps